Life in the Time of Corona
These past few weeks have been daunting all around the globe. A minuscule bug, with a size in nanometers, has taught human beings about how vulnerable our species is, about the extent of our oblivion and how we should not take the 'Mother Earth' for granted.
Economies have collapsed, the recession has crept in, healthcare setups have collapsed, uncertainty has slithered into our routine lives, but despite all of this, COVID19 has failed to founder human resolve. Human Resolve has grown nothing but stronger in this crisis, and that's because our genetic code is programmed so as to fight in the face of adversity, expound the intricacies of any enigma we face, and above all, to never capitulate in hardship.
Quarantine has made us realize the true context of "social interactions" and our dependence on it. It has made us miss trivial things such as a handshake, a hug to our loved ones, the echoes of laughter over a cup of tea, and these same trivialities make us compassionate "social animals."
It is an established scientific fact that increased levels of social interactions are related to a release of 'Oxytocin' in the body. Oxytocin exerts several beneficial effects of mental wellbeing, stress reduction, and even health promotion. And with social distancing, depleted levels of Oxytocin make us prone to anxiety and depression.
It is an established scientific fact that increased levels of social interactions are related to a release of 'Oxytocin' in the body. Oxytocin exerts several beneficial effects of mental wellbeing, stress reduction, and even health promotion. And with social distancing, depleted levels of Oxytocin make us prone to anxiety and depression.
Fortunately, in today's world of technology, we utilize several platforms to connect to our loved ones; it is imperative that we connect virtually to our family, friends, neighbors, and that's the only way to fight this monster of anxiety. Virtual sociality might not be the same as an affectionate hug or a hearty handshake, but it sure will help mitigate the stress of quarantine life.
This crisis shall pass, and it'd not be the apocalyptic end of our species as suggested by some conspiracy theorists. But this crisis has sharply delineated the class inequality that we experience in our daily lives. We need to emerge stronger as a species from this crisis, we need to take charge of our lives and above all, we need to ask our rulers and governments as to why our world has trillions of dollars worth weaponry but not enough healthcare equipment, why our people are dying of hunger, and why the class inequality continues to infest our society. We all need to educate ourselves and augment our resolve to kick the ass of bourgeoise and aristocracy in our society.
Stay Safe, Stay Connected, Stay Compassionate & Stay Healthy.
This crisis shall pass, and it'd not be the apocalyptic end of our species as suggested by some conspiracy theorists. But this crisis has sharply delineated the class inequality that we experience in our daily lives. We need to emerge stronger as a species from this crisis, we need to take charge of our lives and above all, we need to ask our rulers and governments as to why our world has trillions of dollars worth weaponry but not enough healthcare equipment, why our people are dying of hunger, and why the class inequality continues to infest our society. We all need to educate ourselves and augment our resolve to kick the ass of bourgeoise and aristocracy in our society.
Stay Safe, Stay Connected, Stay Compassionate & Stay Healthy.
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