
Showing posts from April, 2020

Morality vs Calamity

Maulana Tariq Jameel, one of the renowned preachers in Pakistan and a prominent member of the Tableeghi Jamaat, recently got embroiled into a controversy during Prime Minister's telethon. In the telethon, Maulana took the liberty to label the entire media as liars and opportunists who would twist the facts to their own advantage. Media, being the powerful industry it is, and Maulana, for being the wise man he is, came to a truce where Maulana apologized for his remarks and termed it as a mere 'slip of the tongue'. I won't ramble much about the media issue, but a round of catharsis is due for Maulana calling women's 'Be-Haya-ee' as the cause of the pandemic. The anchors had their own ax to grind, but it was shameful that they didn't ask Maulana to clear his stance on the issue of women's morality.  A cursory perusal of the ancient history shows that women often held power and were regarded the same as men. From Greek mythological characters...

Life in the Time of Corona

These past few  weeks  have been daunting all around the  globe .  A minuscule bug, with a size in nanometers, has taught human beings about how vulnerable our species is, about the extent of our oblivion and how we should not take  the 'Mother  Earth' for granted.   Economies  have  collapsed , the  recession  has crept in, healthcare setups have  collapsed ,  uncertainty  has slithered into our  routine  lives, but despite all of this,  COVID19  has  failed  to founder  human  resolve.   Human  Resolve has grown nothing but stronger in this  crisis , and that' s  because our genetic code is programmed so as to  fight  in the  face  of  adversity ,  expound  the intricacies of any  enigma  we  face , and above all, to never capitulate in  hardship . Quarantine has  made   us   rea...